Course information
ArchiTech IT Tranining and Placement Assistance is the leader in AngularJS training course, We provide quality of online training and corporate training courses by the real-time facility and well-trained web developers. Our AngularJS tutorial will help you to get knowledge in latest angular versions.
Client Side Scripting
- Understand client side script
- Difference between client side and server side script
- Importance of Server Side Script
- Importance for Client Side Script
- Javascript, Vbscript
- Limitations of client side scripting
- Cannot communicate with database
- Cannot communicate with any file system
AngularJS Course Content
Chapter 1 : Introduction
- Introduction to AngularJs
- web site
- Features of AngularJs:
- Binding framework
- AngularJs support MV* (MVC, MVVM, MVP)
- Download Angularj.min.js
- Using angularjs cdn
- sample programs
Chapter 2 : Angular directives
- Understand the ng- directive
- Available directives
- ng-app
- ng-init
- ng-bind
Chapter 3 : Binding expression
- Binding expression
- {{}}
- ng-controller
- ng-bind
- ng-show
- ng-hide
- ng-include
- ng-repeat
- ng-options
HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language)
Chapter 1 : Introduction
- Understand html tags
- Available HTML tags
- Special entities in html
UI designing using HTML
- Design UI using html tag
- <form> </form>
- <input>tags
- <textarea>
- <select> tag
- Associating labels to controls
HTML 5 elements
- 13 Input elements
- Input element properties
- Video, animation tags
Import script
- Import external scripts
- Import external javascript
- Import external css style
CSS (Cascade Style Sheets)
- Understand styles in web page
- CSS introduction
- Types of CSS
- Inline CSS
- Internal CSS
- External CSS
Javascipt (client Side scripting)
Chapter 1 : Introduction
- Understand client side script
- Advantages
Chapter 2 : Javascript core1
- Writing javascript?
- Understand the importance of javascript
- Inline javacript ( invoke events )
- Internal javascipt
- External javascript
- Google chrome developer tools
- Debugging java script code
Chapter 3 : Javascript core2 Programming constructs
- Control structures (if, swith, loops)
Chapter 4 : Javascript core3 Built in objects
- Document object, window object,
- String object and methods
- Math object and methods
- Date Object, etc.,
Chapter 5 : Javascript core 4 Array
- Javascript array in detail
- Javasctip array methods ( push(), slice(), splice(), indexOf() ,etc.,)
- Handling JavaScript Array Collection
Chapter 6 : Java script core 5 Function
- What is function?
- Simple functions
- Parameterized function
- Passing unlimited parameters
- Function returning values
Chapter 7 : Java script Advanced 1 functions
- Function hoisting
- Differentiate global variable from local variable
- Function expressions (FE)
- Call back functions
- IIFE ( Immediate Invoked Function Expression)
- Java script Closures
- Function inside objects
Chapter 8 : Java script Advanced2 object
- Understand java script objects
- POJO in detail
Angular js
Chapter 1 : Data binding
- Understand binding
- Types of bindings
- One way data binding
- One time data binding
- Two way data binding
Chapter 2 : ng-include
- Include html pages into tags
- Sample example which shows multiple views in one page
Chapter 3 : Angular filters Sorting fields
- Angular Filter
- Filter row
- Filter column
- Create custom filters
- Filters on Json Objects
Chapter 4 : POJO
- Working with POJO(Plain Old Javascript object)
- Using json objects
Chapter 5 : Modules and controllers
- Working with modules, controllers
- Attaching multiple controllers
- Consume module, controller
Chapter 6 : $scope $rootScope
- Understand the difference between $scope and $root Scope object
- Example programs using these
Chapter 7 : SPA
- Understand Single Page application
- Create SPA
- Sample application
Chapter 8 : Angular service
- Understand Service
- $http service
- Example on consuming existing services
- Create own Angular services
Chapter 9 : User define services
- Understand Custom(User defined) Services
- Create user defined services using
- Factory, Service, Provider
Chapter 10 : Custom directive
- Understand directive
- Create custom(user defined) directive examples
- Similar to Web form user controls
Chapter 11 : Reading json file
- Reading json file
- Ajax calls
Chapter 12 : Reading web service
- Reading web services (SOAP)
- file using angular js
Chapter 13 : Reading Restful Services
- Understand restful services
- Reading web api ( created using MVC.NET)
- A small application will perform CRUD operations of Database table
- Restful web services
Course information
- Company: ArchiTech IT
- Course Content: Available
- Course Duration: 40-45 Days
- Session Recording: Lifetime Access