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Course information

Advance Java: It is a part of Java programming language. It is an advanced technology or advance version of Java specially designed to develop web-based, network-centric or enterprise applications. It includes the concepts like Servlet, JSP, JDBC, RMI, Socket programming, etc. It is a specialization in specific domain.

Before exploring the details, let’s learn what is a Java course? To succeed in this course, you’ll need a lot of patience and strong analytical skills. A successful programmer must devote 100% of your attention to resolving all of the programming’s intricate nuances.

  • To tackle real-world problems like debugging and testing programs and inventing algorithms, a software engineers  needs certain abilities and methodologies. You will be able to gain all of the core abilities required of a software engineer after completing the JAVA certificate course.
  • If you want to work for a multinational corporation, you can take advanced JAVA certificate classes. After completing the JAVA course, you will have a bright future ahead of you. It is entirely a job-oriented program.
  • Once students have received their JAVA language certificate, they will be contacted by several reputable firms in the public and private sectors, as well as BPOs and KPOs. Once you have completed the JAVA certificate course, you may be able to earn a high wage.
  • This credential can also help you advance in your work and gain confidence. A JAVA developer’s skills are always in great demand in the market. In the private sector, having qualifications for extracurricular skills will always give you an advantage over other candidates.


Introduction to J2EE

  •     What is J2EE
  •     What is the purpose of using J2EE
  •     What type of applications can be developed using J2EE

What is a project

  •     What is a project
  •     What is a website
  •     What is a web page
  •     Software development life cycle
  •     What is a client system
  •     What is a server system
  •     Teams involved in a project
  •     What is designing 
  •     What is developing
  •     What is the role of database manager

HyperText Markup Language

    What is HyperText Markup Language
    What is a tag
    What is an attribute
    Comments in HTML
    Types of tags
        HTML tag
        head tag
        title tag
        body tag
        Heading tags
        Bold tag
        Italic tag
        Underline tag
        Strike Through tag
        Anchor tag(hyper link)
        Image tag
        Preview tag 
        emphisis tag
        horizontal rule tag
        subscript tag
        superscript tag
        table tag
        What is a table
        How to create a table
        Types of lists
            Unordered lists
            Ordered lists
            Description list
        table heading tag
        table data tag
        table body tag
        Caption tag
        marquee tag
        font tag
        script tag
        paragraph tag
        Quotation tag
        Abbrivation tag
        How to make image as link
        What is a form 
        How to create a form
            Differences between get and post methods
        How to create different components in a form
            radio button
            Browse file button,etc
        How to create a user login form
        How to create a user registration form and take the details from the user
        Connecting one html page to another html page            

Cascading Style Sheets

        What is a Cascading Style Sheet.
        What is the purpose of using it
        How to work with the style sheets
            Inline style sheet
            Internal or embedded style sheet
            External style sheet
        link tag
        relation attribute
        How to connect a style sheet to a html page
        Advantages of style sheets

Java Script
    What is java script
    What is an object based programming language
    Modules in java script
    What is the pupose of java script
    What is a function in java script
    script tag in java script
    How to create alerts 
    How to create prompts
    How to create dialougue boxes
    Events in java script
    How to add validations to our pages using java script
        Adding validations for textboxes
        Adding validations for dropdowns
        Adding validations for radio buttons
        Adding validations for links
        Adding validations for buttons
    Arrays in java script

Working with databases

    What is a database
    What are different types of databases
    Pupose of storing data in the databases
    How to store the data in the database
    What is a query
    Different database languages

Introduction to Oracle database

    About Oracle database
    Installation of oracle database    
    How to connect with oracle database through command prompt
    How to connect with oracle database through GUI
    What is port
    How to change the port number of oracle
    Data types in Oracle
    What is a table in database
    How data is stored in tables 
    Performing several operations 
   Creation of tables in the  database
             Insertion of data in a table
        Deletion of data from a table
        Renaming a table
        Renaming a column in a table
        Adding a column to the data base
        Modifying the data in a table
        Modifying the size of a column in a database
        Deleting a column in a table
        Deleting the total table in a database
        To see the information regarding table created in the database
        To see the data inside a table 
        How to perform several operations in the database using GUI
         Transaction management
            What is a transaction
            What is commit in database
                   What is rollback in database
                What are savepoints in database
Java Database Connectivity

    Open Data Base Connectivity
            What is Open Data Base Connectivity    
                    What is the purpose of ODBC.
                    What is Data Source Name
            What are the problems with ODBC
    What is Java Database<

Course information

  • Course: Advance Java
  • Company: ArchiTech IT
  • Course Content: Available
  • Course Duration: 40-45 Days
  • Session Recording: Lifetime Access